Presentations I have given, most recent first.
Essential learnings from my decades in startups, distilled. Things I wish I had known!
All code has a design, whether deliberate or not. If you don't think about it, the odds of keeping code well-designed code are nil. This is especially challenging as software evolves over time. How and why does code get worse as it ages?
This talk focuses on a particularly common anti-pattern - overuse of inheritance; how it gets to be so common; and walks through some improvements to an existing design.
For the "I'm On a Boat!" edition of PyGotham, I did this talk about implementing flexible anti-spam defenses on websites.
Not my favorite performance, but it's still a cool project. Watch for the comically gigantic regex (slide 36).
My first public talk that didn't totally suck. Remember when REST was a grand idea that people theorized about? Good times. This talk attempted to explain the ideas behind REST and why they were important.
The slides are fairly readable alone, and may be interesting for historical purposes (it's not exactly a popular platform anymore). Mercifully there is no video: it was my first talk and I was very under-rehearsed!